Are You Struggling with Your Service Motion?
Have you ever struggled with your service game to the point you lose all feel and control?
In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Ryan.
Here’s what Ryan had to say about his game:
“I feel anxiety when it’s my turn to serve. When the yips come on…it’s not just that I am double faulting…it is How I am double faulting. I literally have no “feel” or control. There is also a significant drop in what power. In some cases, my serve is literally bouncing to the net which seems impossible…but is my new norm with the yips. I have no power, feel, or control is the best way I can explain it. What’s going on?”
COHN: Ryan, thanks for your question about the service yips. They aren’t super common in tennis but I do see the yips a lot in the area of golf…
COHN: What the heck are the yips? …The yips are when you feel like you don’t have any control over what your arm is doing or your action. In many cases people will freeze or they will continually catch the ball on their toss…
COHN: …Fear leads to a severe over control of your service motion… You’re trying so hard to control your service motion that it almost feels like you’re out of control, that you’re losing the feel.
Listen to the podcast to hear what Dr. Cohn suggests to overcome service yips!
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Improve Your Mental Game for Tennis
Tennis Confidence 2.0

“Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players” is an audio and workbook program to help tennis players, coaches, and instructors improve the mental game of tennis is just 10 easy to learn sessions. Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any junior, collegiate, and tour professional player. Tennis coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach the strategies “Tennis Confidence.”
Tennis Confidence is a complete mental training program developed Peak Performance Sports. You learn the same strategies Dr. Cohn teaches his tennis players to help them improve mental toughness and consistency – from managing unrealistic expectations to coping with perfectionism.
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