Tennis Perfectionism

Helping Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism

Tennis Psychology

Help Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism We’ve identified perfectionism and fear of failure as the number one challenge for sports parents and their young athletes. We’ve created a new program to help sports parents and their young athletes kick perfectionism. Our new program is called: “Sports Parents’ Top Dilemma: Helping Young

Roddick’s “Happy Medium” Tennis Mindset

Tennis Psychology

Staying Composed in Tennis Do you try to hit perfect shots and can’t handle imperfection during play? If you try to play a perfect game, you most likely sabotage your mental game with high expectations for your performance. Your high expectations can backfire and have a negative effect on

Perfectionism in Tennis and Fear of Failure

Video of The Week

How Does Perfectionism Effect Success? Perfectionism in tennis and fear of failure are closely linked. In this video I discuss: How perfectionism and fear of failure can hurt young athletes success and enjoyment in sports. Learn how perfectionism affects young athletes’ practice and their mindset in competition. Tennis parents

Does Perfectionism Cause You to Choke?

Tennis Psychology

Many tennis players who are perfectionistic about their approach to tennis choke under tournament pressure. Perfectionism can hold them back from reaching their potential because they become tight, anxious, and over-control their performance. Don’t get me wrong. There are some advantages of perfectionism such as having a strong