Tennis Mental Game Podcasts

Tennis Podcast: Focus and the Zone

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Boosting Focus to Get in The Zone Many tennis players want to improve their focus and achieve peak performance. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to boost your focus and get in the zone more often. Dr. Cohn teaches you the mental strategies to improve your focus on match

Tennis Podcast: Staying Confident After Errors

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Overcoming Mistakes in Tennis Many tennis players lose confidence after making mistakes.. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to bounce back quickly after mistakes. Dr. Cohn teaches you the mental keys to stay confident after mistakes.  You’ll have to accept mistakes and move onto the next point.

Tennis Podcast: Boost Confidence in Juniors

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Boosting Self-Confidence in Young Players Many young tennis players lack self-confidence in their game. In this psychology session, you’ll learn: How Dr. Cohn helps sports parents and coaches improve their tennis players’ confidence. Dr. Cohn teaches you how to boost tennis confidence in your young athletes. You’ll have to

Tennis Podcast: Fear of Failure

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Overcoming Fear of Failure Fear of failure is a common mental game of tennis challenge among tennis players. Some players may fear embarrassment, while others may fear making mistakes. In this psychology session, you’ll learn: How to overcome fear of failure. Dr. Cohn teaches you the mental keys to play

Tennis Podcast: Focusing During Practice

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Focus While Playing Many tennis players struggle with keeping the same level of intensity in practice as in matches. Some players have a hard time staying focused during practice. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to keep your focus in practice and in matches. Dr. Cohn teaches you

Tennis Podcast: Confidence After Negative Performance Comments

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Maintaining Confidence After Negative Feedback Tennis confidence is important for any tennis player to play their best. Many players rely on others around them, such as teammates, coaches and parents to boost their confidence. Some tennis players will lose confidence after hearing negative comments about their game from teammates or