Tennis Pressure

Tennis Podcast: Staying Calm When Winning

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Staying Composed When in The Lead Many tennis players become too anxious or excited when they’re winning the match. Sometimes they can’t put the match away! In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to stay calm and focused when you’re in the lead. Dr. Cohn teaches you the

Nadal’s Mental Toughness: Know Who You Are

Tennis Psychology

Do You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself? I love the psychology of tennis during big tournaments. The momentum shifts of a final match, such as Federer and Nadal in the 2009 Australian Open, are so fun to watch. Most tennis fans see the shots and strategy, but

Tennis Mental Toughness and Critical Points

Tennis Psychology

Staying Mentally Tough During Critical Match Points How well does your tennis mental toughness hold up during critical points during matches? During a close match when you need to win an important point, your mental game can determine your success or failure. If you tighten up, worry about