Tennis Pressure

Tennis Podcast: Do You Play Down to Weaker Tennis Players?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Staying Competitive Regardless of The Opponent In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from a tennis player who has trouble performing his best when playing against opponents who are not as strong as him. Listen to this month’s

Tennis Podcast: Bring Confidence To Tournaments

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Do You Choke in Tournaments? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from a sports parent whose daughter performs well in practice, but chokes in tournaments. He wants to know which tennis psychology audio/workbook program would help her.

Tennis Podcast: Expectations Limit Junior Players

Tennis Psychology Podcast

How Pressure Limits Performance Welcome to session number seventy-three of The Tennis Psychology Podcast. Dr. Patrick Cohn at Sports Psychology for Tennis, is a mental game of tennis expert and helps tournament players, tennis coaches and parents improve confidence, focus, and composure using sports psychology strategies. In this week’s